He's our recent freeware singing voice sinthesizer that will featured mainly in media about his lore. His name is in honour to a mexican riot rock band, with the O's changed to 0's for aesthetics and copyrighting purposes.
M0L0T0V is a combination of all the official outfit desings for MegaMan, so being a different and original version of him is his signature. On his helmet lie a pair of headphones that light up a mexican pink color. His cyberpunk outfit resembles a "supersuit" with an armor its limbs' shells resemble flowerpots. He wears a navy blue latex suit with a turquoise-black vinyl leather leotard on it, a sky blue leather waistbag (Same color as helmet) with an adventure belt, and purple boots. Her arms are mostly hidden by the arm shells, only showing his hands covered by white gloves; and his shoulder pads are purple like the limb's shells. He has eagle wings and a scorpion tail with a lethal poison, both removable. With clothes off, on his lower back is a 'IMN-001' tattoo. His design is mostly inspired by mexican culture and colors.